

作为一个部门, we encourage and promote student organizations and we strive to support them in every way we can. We are proud of our faculty’s commitment to lead and advise the following organizations:


C.H.I.L.L. (Colleagues Helping Implement Lifelong Learning)

A student-led organization, CHILL provides education students opportunities to engage in mentorship that builds a community based on professionalism and leadership. If you are interested in learning more about the work they do or the activities they engage in, then you should check out their Facebook页面.


Indiana Student Education Association

A social and professional organization for tomorrow’s teachers that provides opportunities for professional development. 总共。, ISEA is focused on giving education majors, 各种各样的, an opportunity to reinforce skills that are learned in lecture, give back to the education community, and form relationships with those in their major. 访问我们的 网站 to learn more about ISEA.


Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) is an 国际 Honor Society in Education. 成立于1911年, KDP's aim is to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. Using a variety of programs, 服务, 和资源, KDP supports and advances educators throughout the phases and levels of their teaching careers.


Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)

This organization is dedicated to improving the quality of education for all children and youth with exceptionalities and supporting professionals who serve them.